Professional Education & Training

Elder Life Management has Continuing Education Credit offerings that are approved by the New Jersey State Board of Social Work Examiners. The following programs are available for presentation to professionals:
- Is it Abuse? Abuse and Neglect in the LTC Setting
- Diagnostic Assessment Tools for Depression in the Elderly and Caregivers Assessment
- Elder Suicide and Post Acute Care
- Emotional Reactions to the Elderly with Chronic Disability
- Financing the Cost of Long Term Care
- Is Guardianship the Answer?
- The Psychological Aspects of Pain Management in the Elderly
- The Right to Die in a Nursing Home
- A Social Work Guide to Ethical Principles in Geriatric Health Care
- Seeking a Better Way to Die: How to Provide Quality Services for LTC Residents
- Treatment for Stress: A Social Work Guide
- Caregiving Couples
- Interdependence: Working Together to Age Successfully
- Sweet Dreams: Resting Easier as We Age
- Women in the Middle
- Hospital Discharge and Geriatric Care Management
- Slow Medication
Please call us at 732-493-8080 for further information.
Staff Sensitivity Training
Elder Life Management presents
CIRCLE OF CARING, a sensitivity training program for staff development, enhancing the quality of work and quality of care within the nursing home environment.
CIRCLE OF CARING is an interactive group process which has been proven effective in promoting sensitivity in caregiving. Available as a six session, on-site educational workshop, this program is presently being offered in numerous nursing facilities throughout central New Jersey.
Please call us at 732-493-8080 for further information.